Letter to Jada and Vicky
We found your announcement of your love in the park the other day. Cool! We love you (in a sort of abstract way, because we don’t even know you) and wish you the very best. We’re happy for your love.
Here’s a way for you to make your love even stronger. Instead of advertising it publicly, let it seep out of you throughout the day. You know that warm, scrumptious feeling you have when you are with the one you love? Remember it and hold on to it. Feel it as you meet people. View everyone as worthy of love and looking really good and evoking love in you. See everyone with the eyes of love.
We hope this doesn’t sound too preachy. We just mean it as good advice.
Thanks for sharing your love with us. Now try showing it more subtly, almost secretly. It will have more power.
Note: I came upon a picnic table in the park with some graffiti on it, which inspired me to post this to our neighborhood email group. It’s an application of pantheistic panpsychism. As I write this, two years later, the graffiti is still there.